Peer-reviewed journal articles (20)

  1. 1. Saracco, P. (2020). Antipodes, preantipodes and Frobenius functors. Journal of Algebra and its Applications.
  2. 2. Saracco, P. (2021). Hopf modules, Frobenius functors and (one-sided) Hopf algebras. Journal of pure and applied algebra, 225(3), 106537. doi:10.1016/j.jpaa.2020.106537
  3. 3. Saracco, P., & Vercruysse, J. (2022). Globalization for geometric partial comodules. Journal of algebra, 602, 37-59. doi:10.1016/j.jalgebra.2022.03.013
  4. 4. Brzezinski, T., Rybołowicz, B., & Saracco, P. (2022). On functors between categories of modules over trusses. Journal of pure and applied algebra, 226(11), 107091. doi:10.1016/j.jpaa.2022.107091
  5. 5. Saracco, P. (2024). A remark on the Galois-type correspondence between ideal coideals and comodule subrings of a Hopf algebroid. Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society Simon Stevin.
  6. 6. Saracco, P., & Vercruysse, J. (2024). Geometric partial comodules over flat coalgebras in Abelian categories are globalizable. Journal of pure and applied algebra, 228(3), 107502. doi:10.1016/j.jpaa.2023.107502
  7. 7. Ardizzoni, A., Kaoutit, L. E., & Saracco, P. (2023). Towards differentiation and integration between Hopf algebroids and Lie algebroids. Publicacions matemàtiques, 67, 3-88. doi:10.5565/PUBLMAT6712301
  8. 8. Breaz, S., Brzezi'nski, T., Rybołowicz, B., & Saracco, P. (2023). Heaps of modules and affine spaces. Annali di matematica pura ed applicata. doi:10.1007/s10231-023-01369-0
  9. 9. El Kaoutit, L., Ghobadi, A., Saracco, P., & Vercruysse, J. (2023). Correspondence theorems for Hopf algebroids with applications to affine groupoids. Canadian journal of mathematics, 1-51. doi:10.4153/S0008414X23000238
  10. 10. D'Adderio, M., Hautekiet, W., Saracco, P., & Vercruysse, J. (2022). Partial and Global Representations of Finite Groups. Algebras and representation theory. doi:10.1007/s10468-022-10136-3
  11. 11. Ardizzoni, A., Saracco, P., & Ştefan, D. (2022). PBW-deformations of graded rings. Israel Journal of Mathematics. doi:10.1007/s11856-022-2325-3
  12. 12. Saracco, P. (2022). On anchored Lie algebras and the Connes–Moscovici bialgebroid construction. Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, 16(3), 1007-1053. doi:10.4171/JNCG/475
  13. 13. Saracco, P., & Vercruysse, J. (2022). On the globalization of geometric partial (co)modules in the categories of topological spaces and algebras. Semigroup forum. doi:10.1007/s00233-022-10269-3
  14. 14. Saracco, P. (2022). Universal Enveloping Algebras of Lie–Rinehart Algebras as a Left Adjoint Functor. Mediterranean journal of mathematics, 19(2), 92. doi:10.1007/s00009-022-01985-9
  15. 15. Kaoutit, L. E., & Saracco, P. (2021). The Hopf Algebroid Structure of Differentially Recursive Sequences. Quaestiones mathematicae. doi:10.2989/16073606.2021.1885520
  16. 16. Saracco, P. (2020). Coquasi-bialgebras with Preantipode and Rigid Monoidal Categories. Algebras and representation theory.
  17. 17. Kaoutit, L. E., & Saracco, P. (2019). Comparing topologies on linearly recursive sequences. Ars Mathematica contemporanea, 16(2), 319-329. doi:10.26493/1855-3974.1436.7a2
  18. 18. El Kaoutit, L., & Saracco, P. (2018). Topological tensor product of bimodules, complete Hopf algebroids and convolution algebras. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 21(06), 53. doi:10.1142/S0219199718500153
  19. 19. Ardizzoni, A., El Kaoutit, L., & Saracco, P. (2016). Functorial constructions for non-associative algebras with applications to quasi-bialgebras. Journal of algebra, 449, 460-496. doi:10.1016/j.jalgebra.2015.11.029
  20. 20. Saracco, P. (2015). On the Structure Theorem for Quasi-Hopf Bimodules. Applied categorical structures, 25(1), 3-28. doi:10.1007/s10485-015-9408-9

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